Nature has always been one of my biggest inspirations, and I recently had some time to connect with one of my favorite things on this planet on a recent vacation: Sequoia tress.

I mean, wow. These trees totally blow my mind and inspire me to no end. Though they don’t use words, if you’re quiet enough in their presence, I swear you can hear and feel them share some of the deepest wisdoms of all time.

I sincerely hope at some point in your life, you get to stand next to these unbelievable giants, but if not, I wanted to share with you some awe-inspiring facts about them and what the profound lessons they can teach you about living your best life.


In closing, I sincerely hope you do take some time in nature to find your muse, your inspiration…the thing that makes you stop in your tracks and pause to remember you are part of something way larger than we can imagine on this planet.

We are part of a beautiful ecosystem, and our greatest teachers are all around us. But it’s up to us to take the time to connect. Don’t put it off. Taking this time to connect may be the very thing you need to re-energize your path and remember who you are.

Share your inspirations in the comments below. I’m always curious what inspirations mother nature offers others.

Love and blessings,
