I’ve learned that people like labels. They want to know what you “are.” Am I a yogi? Am I a buddhist? What do I practice?

Certainly, I have many go-to techniques like yoga, meditation, praying, dancing, and meeting in community. And I pull ideas from many traditions. But when I really think about what my overall approach to my spirituality is, the most accurate answer I can give you is that my spiritual practice is practicing being vulnerable.

What I mean by that is whether or not I seem to find it comfortable or easy, there is some higher part of me that is always seeking out the things that will make me vulnerable in life. It sounds weird, but I think my soul purposely does this to keep me evolving, to keep me on my growing edge.

I’ve learned to embrace and welcome this part of myself over time, but it hasn’t always been easy. I get hurt more than others do. I fall fast and hard in life. I let my passion steer the ship, and it’s not always the safest driver!

But I wouldn’t change this approach for anything. Living this way has allowed me true liberation. As I let go of the illusion of control, I become free to be who I really am. I open the door to deep intimacy, real connection, and even joy, empathy, and love. They all take root in the ground of vulnerability.

Because I know how potent this path can be for transformation, I wanted to share with you my top ten ways to optimize vulnerability for greater fulfillment in your life. Check it out.

So, I hope that’s given you something to work with on the path to more fulfillment through vulnerability. There’s one more thing I want to mention though.

It’s helpful to know that your willingness to be vulnerable isn’t just for you. When you embrace your edge, it’s a true sign of leadership – an antidote to the illusion of separateness that we all suffer under. Imagine that. If we all agreed to be a little more vulnerable, how different would our world be?

Live fully my friends. And enjoy the ride!

Love and light,
