The coaching space has changed a lot in the 16 years I have been part of it. Way back when I was first starting this out as a profession, people didn’t really know what it was when someone said “life coach.” Today, that same phrase can often provoke a response of cynicism or skepticism. I get it.

There are a LOT more coaches today than there was even ten years ago, and a lot more exposure to them due to the advent of social media. Unfortunately, social media has a way of taking potent concepts like empowerment, authenticity, and enlightenment, for example, and sensationalizing them with oversimplified graphics and catchphrases. It can all begin to feel a bit saccharine after a while, and a lot of people just tune out altogether. Unfortunately, this means that potential for real transformation can get bypassed, and that’s a shame.

In today’s video, I hope to counter this trend by discussing what I see as three very common misperceptions about the concept of empowerment. Though there are certainly more than three, I chose to discuss these particular “empowerment myths” because I think they can actually do a lot of damage to us as individuals and as a society if we don’t address them. Take a look.

Understanding these myths can help us tap into the real meaning and purpose of empowerment methodologies and the incredibly dynamic ways in which they can transform our lives. After watching this video, did you notice any areas where you might be buying into these misperceptions?

I’d love to hear your thoughts and questons in the comments below.

Have a beautiful and blessed day!

Be well,
