Have you ever been in a tough time of transition or going through a big change in your life and someone tells you to just “let go” or “surrender”? Though it may be well intentioned advice, it can be frustrating to receive that guidance. Many of us know that’s what we need to do, but we’re not sure how to do it. An intellectual understanding of something is not the same thing as an embodied understanding of it.

I’ve struggled a lot with “letting go” in my life, and I still do sometimes. In this video, I share some of the concepts or ideas that have allowed me to take “letting go” out of just being a mental construct or a desired goal and into an actual experience. Certainly, this video is not an exhaustive exploration of the topic, but my hope is that it will least give you some place to start your own exploration as you learn to release the old and let in the new. Have a look.

Hope that gave you some inspiration and a few laughs too! Remember, letting go is a process and a continual work in progress. Think of it less as an end goal or something to check off your to-do list, and more like a way of orienting in the world. When we release our expectations and surrender our emotional attachments, a whole new world of possibilities and way of understanding ourselves opens up to us. Stay curious and see what you can discover.

Have a beautiful blessed day,
