I can be a little rough around the edges. I’m super introverted; so I spend a lot of my time in the inner workings of my mind, and sometimes I forget not everyone is privy to what goes on in there.

Add to that my tendency to be quiet about “all things me”, and I can sometimes come off as stand-off-ish or aloof.

This makes me sad. I really do want to connect with people. I just don’t always know how. So, I wanted to take today’s episode to give you a little sneak peak into what it’s like being an introvert (at least for me) in a job that demands I step into my extroverted self everyday.

I’ve also included some simple tips to break out of your shell if you’re like me, and some helpful tips too for those of you wanting to coax your loved ones to open up a little more.

So, let’s have a look inside (before I change my mind and delete this video!)

If you’re introverted, I hope after watching this you feel a little less isolated. And if you’re extroverted, perhaps now you have some tools to connect more compassionately with the introverts in your life.

And remember, no matter who we are, or how we orient to the world, we all crave connection. So be kind, gentle, and patient with each other.

Love and light,
