Research studies have actually shown that at least half of Americans experience significant loneliness during the holiday season! Whoa. Kind of ironic since this is the time of year we’re supposed to be connecting and sharing love with one another.

Because loneliness can sky rocket this time of year, I wanted to show this video to all of you again. I posted this on the blog years ago, but it was one of the popular videos at the time, and I think it warrants watching again.

I used to feel bad about myself when I felt lonely. I used to think “What’s wrong with me? I have all these great people in my life who love me, and I have a lot of good things going for me. I should feel better than this. What’s my problem?”

Over the years though, I’ve started to change my relationship with this occasional, seemingly unwanted guest called “loneliness.” Now, when it arrives, I try not to get pissed off at myself. Instead, I try to face it head on so I can understand it and the gifts it has to offer me. And to tell you the truth, this mind shift about loneliness has led to some of my biggest breakthroughs in my process. And that experience is not unique to me. (I explain more in the video.)

The pain of loneliness has invited me to create a richer and more meaningful life from the inside out, and today I want to share with you some important insights I’ve had about loneliness so you too can start to reap the benefits of this bitter sweet fruit of life. Have a look.

Whether you’re all by yourself or surrounded by loved ones this holiday season, there’s a chance you might feel lonely. I’ve noticed that the external pressure to have a “Hallmark” perfect holiday causes a lot of us to have anxiety, and the loneliness creeps up again.

Hopefully, this post today has given you a new way to be with it should it arrive at your doorstep just in time for the festivities. Don’t fret if it does. It’s here to offer you blessings. You just have to be open to receiving them.

Have a blessed holiday season everyone. And know that you are deeply loved.

From my heart to yours,
