Shiny Object Syndrome: the condition where one gets perpetually distracted by seemingly “newer, shinier, bigger and better” things or ideas, preventing her from ever finishing her current activity or staying on track with her original goals.
Now, I was blessed with an inordinate amount of focus and perseverance, but in today’s “no-attention-span” kind of world, even I struggle with staying on track. Sometimes, I feel like we’re actually encouraged to cut corners, half-ass things, and move on quickly without looking back.
Well, that constant quest for new….I’m over it.
I am happily settling in to a rhythm where I can tolerate the natural ebb and flow of my emotions and feelings, and not be tempted to jump ship the second things get a little less exciting or stimulating.
I practice detaching myself from the programmed desire to have things happen instantly and easily, and in the way I want them to. Last I checked, life rarely works that way. And…I can put a stop to a whole lot of my personal suffering if instead I can learn how to show up and be present to what truly is… as it’s happening.
Trust me, I don’t have this mastered. But I am getting better at it, and I am seeing results with some pretty simple techniques that are helping increase my awareness around my habits to give into “distraction temptations”.
Here’s one of my favorite mindfulness techniques below that you can easily use on-the-spot, right when a shiny object sparkles its tempting lure in your direction. Take a look.
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To review:
1. Stop.
2. Take a few deep breaths.
3. Observe what’s distracting you and how you think it’s going to make you feel when you have it or do it. How might you be able to cultivate that feeling a little bit now, even without the “shiny object”?
4. Presence yourself to this moment. Connect to the breath and sensations in your body and remind yourself that your power and true experience lie in the now.
As with most of these techniques I offer, practice makes perfect. Give it a whirl and let me know how you do.
You’ll be amazed at how much richer your life can get when you choose this level of presence.
Be well dear ones,
Amy 🙂