This whole week, I’ve been quite sick. Getting up and walking to the other side of the room would wear me out. It was that kind of annoying sick that takes over your whole life for a while. So, needless to say, that made it hard for me to motivate to do anything, including this blog post.

So, as I do in times of stress, I checked in with myself to evaluate how to proceed. The wisdom that arose from my intuition was “Just be authentic.”

I am hardly the first woman to ever feel exhausted and wiped out from a sickness, physical stress, or other pressures in life. So, rather than cover up where I’m at, I just decided to own it.

One of the few things that got me through the worst parts of the week, when my body ached all over, was a meditation I use. It’s a meditation I call the “Arriving Meditation.” It teaches me how to just practice being as I am exactly in this moment. I don’t try to change anything, or even judge anything. I just arrive – in my body, in my breath, and in this moment.

Remarkably, by just giving myself the permission to sit and be with whatever is coming up, I magically feel better.

I wanted to share this experience with you. So, this week’s video is a little different. I guide you through this meditation in real time. So, press play, then take a seat, or even lie down and partake in this meditation for yourself. I guarantee that at the end of this video, you’ll be in a different mind space. Enjoy!

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We must first arrive in the now before anything can begin to change. (Click to Tweet)

Starting from the stillness that comes from arriving in the now paves the way for your best self to come forward. It creates a strong foundation from which all your creativity will spring forth with ease.

Remember this the next time life gets busy, and you find yourself running around like crazy.

Big love sisters,
