The other day I was in a deep discussion with a friend, and she asked me a provocative question that made things “get real” for me in an instant. Here it is:

“In what ways are you still not saying “yes” to your life?”

Hmm. At first, I resisted. I didn’t want to admit that I was sabotaging myself or knowingly resisting my own personal growth in any way. After all, this is my field! Of course I’m doing everything I can to make my life the best, most conscious life I possibly can have!

Then…after my initial bristling, I realized that if I was having such a strong reaction to the question that it probably hit a nerve for me somewhere and required a little deeper investigation.

So, I took some time to think it over. I focused in on looking at my life activities and my spiritual practices to see where it is I might be tripping myself up, consciously or unconsciously. Where was it that I was not saying “yes” to my life or my own evolution?

It wasn’t easy to uncover, but with the help of a few friends and teachers, I was able to uncover a major pitfall on the spiritual path that I have fallen victim too. And many of you may have too. Believe me, it’s easy to do so.

This was a big revelation for me, and I have a feeling it might be for some of you too. So, I put my answer together in this short video below, along with some tips on how to get yourself out of this dilemma if you too have fallen prey. Take a look!


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Integrating your internal fires of the mystic and the activist is ESSENTIAL if we’re going to make any real progress along our spiritual path. Once integrated, these combined fires enable us to say a complete and resounding YES to life.

I’m curious. I know I can’t be alone in this battle of the fires. Please share your experiences in the comments below.

How have you been hiding behind your spirituality as a way of avoiding life?

Or how it is that you are busying yourself with the day-to-day of life to avoid your inner knowing?

What steps can you take to start rectifying this internal split?

Don’t feel you have to answer all the questions, but I would love to hear any of your thoughts on this topic. It’s rich fertilizer for our paths ahead. Let’s share our collective wisdom.

In peace,
