Where does one get their inner resolve from?

I’ve been reflecting on this a lot lately. As I look back on the times where I felt I had a growth spurt in inner strength, I started to notice some surprising patterns.

Often what was cultivating my inner strength was definitely not what I would have expected. My mind has a pre-programmed definition of strength that has been fed to me by society and what it has to say about being “tough and strong”. But real strength doesn’t come from the head. It comes from the heart.

And the heart has a very different understanding of what makes us strong from the inside out. Take a look.

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In closing, remember inner strength is part of your essence. It’s not something you have to fake, cling on to, or try to obtain from outside.

It’s more about peeling away the stuff that blocks you from seeing who you really are at your core. You are beautiful. You are love. You are light. And you are strong!

Peace, love, and blessings,
