Gulp. A few months off from the blog was unintended I assure you. (Insert sheepish grin).
But I see now that I really needed to take a break so I could keep coming to these videos with my full authenticity.

As much as I want to be as consistent as I can with my blog videos, I know I am doing nobody any good if I crank out half-hearted attempts at videos just to “be consistent.” Consistency means nothing if the intentionality isn’t there.

But fortunately, I’ve made it through the portal of an an unexpected and obscenely busy work schedule and have landed on the other side with some fresh insights on what it means to follow your authenticity…even when it’s not taking you where you feel comfortable going.

My 4-step recipe for authenticity that I share with you in this episode literally came out of me investigating where I wasn’t being as authentic as I want to be. I found a lot of support in referring to this 4-part definition as I uncovered my own personal blocks to greater connection to myself. I hope it proves equally illuminating for you. Have a look.

Ok, hope you enjoyed that. And if I didn’t make it abundantly clear in that episode, if you’re going to be authentic, you’re going to have to “make friends” with that part of yourself you’re not so psyched about…the part that’s still learning the ropes…the less than perfect part that you may be ashamed to show to others. Perhaps, the part of you that drops the ball on your weekly vide blogs for months at time, for example. ๐Ÿ˜‰ Just keeping it real folks.

Guess what?

I’m not perfect, and neither are you. Phew. Doesn’t that make things easier now? So, let’s stop the charade and move towards embracing ourselves where we are and as we are so that we can move forward out of deep love and compassion for self, one clumsy step at a time!

Onwards and upwards,

Amy ๐Ÿ™‚