Live Fast. Now faster.

Our world seems to be constantly speeding up. Fast food; speed dialing; speed dating; high speed internet; express travel; and instant everything. Do more. Do it quicker, and do it better. And the real ironic thing is that if you succeed at keeping up with this pace, you’re feeding right into the larger problem that got you into this rat race in the first place!

What’s at the root of our obsession with speed and doing more, doing better, and doing faster? And why is effective time management not a solution, but just another symptom of the problem? Find out in this week’s Living in Your Potential video (the FREE ten week series to help you eliminate self sabotage for good).

And if you’re ready to give up this fear-based obsession with speed once and for all, you’ll want to listen all the way through to the end to get some free goodies to help you do just that.

Go ahead. Press play, and take your time ๐Ÿ˜‰

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From Fast and Furious to Truly Fulfilled

Though staying busy and being fast may be the dominant way our society and the people in it operate, it doesn’t mean we have to go along for the ride anymore. It will take some fortitude to break this lifetime addiction to busyness, but since when has a warrior woman been afraid of something that requires a little guts?

Sign up below for the free Living in Your Potential series to receive exclusive bonus materials to help you break the vicious cycle of busyness for good. Life’s too precious to keep going on automatic pilot or following the herd. A much deeper, richer possibility awaits you. Are you ready to dive in?

Keeping it real, Amy ๐Ÿ˜‰