Welcome to the first video in our series, Living in Your Potential: Creating Fertile Ground to Grow Your Dreams with Wild Success. If you haven’t signed up yet, do it now or you’re going to miss the free goodies that come with each video! Why miss out on a FREE program that I would normally charge a premium price for? It’s not too late to sign up. Watch the video here for more details in how to get started.
Now, we’ve got a juicy topic to bust into today. There’s a significant source of power that each of us has, but we’re so often taught to deny it, downplay it, or dismiss it all together as something unimportant or unreliable. This has greatly inhibited our ability to live in our potential because this power is what keeps us directly in touch with that potential.
Ready to reclaim this power once again? You can. Start by watching this video below.
Did you guess what power I was talking about before you watched the video? Hmm, maybe it was your intuition kicking in. 😉 Don’t stop now. Signing up below gets you access to a completely FREE e-book and mp3 meditation to help you cultivate this endless source of power and wisdom within you. It’s not going to blossom to full force on its own. You must exercise this muscle like anything else.
So, let’s get going. Sign up now, and let the journey continue.
Peace Out,
4 responses to “Underestimating This is Really Going to Cost You. The Source of Power Women Can’t Afford to Overlook Anymore”
Thank YOU Amy for offering this program for free. I am so grateful to be a part of it and know it will be very valuable!
I love the reminder about how powerful our intuition is and your encouragement and suggestions on how to create a more conscious relationship with it. I feel this is so important and will be more so in the “New Earth” we are creating.
I am experiencing more ease and grace in my life, too, as I trust and follow my intuition. It is such a powerful tool for us to cultivate for ourselves and in our collaborations with others. Thank YOU!
You are welcome Elizabeth! And yes, you are right. It will be more and more important for us to tap into our intuition as we move ahead as a society. Our intuition is what will help us tune into the collaborations and choices that best support our highest truth and the highest truth for our planet too. So glad you are feeling that yourself and leading by example. Keep up the great work! You are an inspiration for others. Blessings!
This morning, I used the intuition meditation for the first time. Engaging in that exercise made me recognize how I have almost purposely been ignoring my intuition for the last 5 years or so. I have trusted it and followed it when it has come to matters of the heart (I married last June) and when choosing the kinds of people I want in my inner circle. I have trusted it when it has come to my civic engagement and how and when I use my voice and encourage others to do the same. Yet, over the last 5 years, I have ignored my intuition to move higher on my path.
The meditation sat me down and quieted me so that I could really listen. I must say, that I was expecting to hear what I have heard and said to myself over the last 5 years. “LeTonia, just leave your job.” But to my surprise, the voice I heard whispered “Use your body. Exercise today.” Now granted I did go to the gym on Monday and put it off yesterday because I was sore. My intention was to go this morning, but then I decided to do the meditation instead. So when I first felt the urging and heard the voice, I thought it was guilt. But this voice was not the sound of guilt, it was encouragement.
For years now, “something” has been whispering to me that the key to my self discovery and my power lies in challenging myself physically. I start and I stop, but I never push through. I get tired and I stop. I get fearful and I stop. Today’s meditation made me recognize that this is the impulse that I have followed and it is leading me to stagnation and disappointment.
So long story, short. I am starting this journey with not only de-cluttering physical space, but also changing how I see myself and feel physically within physical space.
Wow! LeTonia, this is such an awesome insight. So grateful you took the time to share this. And you might find it curious to know that other women have emailed and reported similar findings to me…that their intuition was telling them, almost yearning for them, to be in their bodies more and START there! I love how you discerned that there are some areas where we readily follow our intuition, and other areas where it seems to fall flat. Now that you see this in your life, you can make an active change in cultivating intuition in this new area. And as you saw in your meditation today, you WILL be able to know what voice is coming from “ego self” and what voice is coming from “higher self.” I have a feeling the more you use your body, the more your intuition is going to start pouring out of you into all other areas of your life, leading you to even greater forms of alignment than you already have. Please keep us posted on the journey ahead, and let us know if you need the support of your community here as you move forward. Onward sister. Big love, Amy