Welcome back lovely ladies!

So, I’ve been in the personal growth/wellness industry in one way or another for 15 years now, and though I absolutely love my line of work, sometimes I get a little nauseated with a lot of the “buzz word” marketing and “fluff” content that’s out there. It frustrates me when people who are seeking real guidance and support are made promises that can’t be kept or are taken advantage of when they spend lots of moo-lah on a program that is just a regurgitation of the latest new age trends. You too?

Don’t get me wrong. There are a LOT of totally awesome, high quality coaches out there, and I have benefited from the support of many of them, but I guess I still want to strive for excellence in this industry and weed out the fluff that misleads unexpected souls or even worse teaches them something that’s dis-empowering!

In today’s video, I address a common theme that comes up in coaching, “living up to your potential” and how so often we are taught a totally dis-empowering way to think about this concept. After we uncover the often misunderstood truth about this idea, in the name of empowering women worldwide, I’ll be offering a very special FREE gift at the end of the video. So, be sure to watch it all the way through!!!

Watch it now.

So, let’s not waste anytime. If you’re ready to get REAL and start embodying your potential NOW, letting it ooze out into your life in ways even better than you can imagine, then you need to sign up below.

And yes, it’s totally FREE. Indeed, future programs I offer will have a fee [as this is my business after all ;-)], but I am DEEPLY committed to empowering women worldwide and building this community to be a strong, vibrant international network of women; so I’ve made a decision to offer this without financial charge in the name of that higher truth. All I ask in return is that if you feel moved and inspired by this work, that you share it with THREE personal friends inviting them to join and sign up so we can get this party started! That’s it.

I can’t grow this tribe alone. We all have a role to play. Let’s light it up ladies! The world is waiting for us to step into our magnificence.

Peace out sisters, Amy